Let's talk about self-employment – or in my terms... being a Kick Ass Boss Babe!

I’ve been thinking a lot about self-employment lately. It’s something that I think most of us would LOVE to do. I dream of having my own social media business running accounts and kicking as in the digital media marketing world! I know there are downfalls to everything, but I continuously think about all of the positive benefits that come out of being self-employed like:
· Picking your hours
· Working from home
· Setting a routine for your lifestyle (like working out in the middle of the day – how nice would that be!!!)
· Work as much or as little as you’d like
· No boring routine
· Don’t have to ask for vacation time
· Long lunch breaks (;
The list goes on and on… and we can’t forget all of the financial benefits like expense reductions and retirement savings plans as well. See, for me it’s a no brainer. However, there are two challenging parts to this equation. The first being creating and executing a successful business and then once you do that, being successful at working from home and working for yourself.
It can be challenging trying to stay on top of your tasks and not get distracted or even stir crazy when you’re at your house. Just the other day, Peter stayed home to get some things done for our YouTube channel, and it was like barely the afternoon when he texted me and said, “I think I’m learning that I cannot be at home all day lol. I’m getting antsy.” It requires some skill in the department of self-discipline in order to be focused, productive and still have fun. It doesn’t always come naturally or even easy but I’m going to share with you some boss babe tips on how to be successfully self-employed that should help 💪🖥💸
1. Get out of your house.
It can be exciting to get to work from home – I mean I even listed it above as one of the main reasons I want to be self-employed, but rolling out of bed every morning and walking 10 feet to your desk in your apartment can get lonely and distracting. You could go on for days without ever leaving your home or talking to another person and that just isn’t good for anyone. Set certain days that you go work from a coffee shop or find one of those super cute collaborative office spaces to get your creative juices flowing and get you out of a boring routine.
2. Stay productive.
A common hump to get over is how to be more productive when you have all of the distractions of home like TV, chores, dogs whatever it may be surrounding you. My biggest tip is to write out daily goals as well as weekly and monthly and I love putting little boxes next to them so I can either cross them off the list or check mark the box. This has helped me stay on track working out every day. Making sure that both of my jobs are getting done efficiently and effectively without forgetting deadlines and lets me have free time to also take a break. Plus, the satisfaction of checking that box… OH IT FEELS GOOD!
3. Look for little wins.
I think this tip is so important because we all know success doesn’t happen in a day and it takes a lot of hard work, sweat, and dedication to make something truly incredible. Because of that it’s important to find little wins and little pieces of encouragement every day to keep you pushing through to those big ones! This could be like checking off everything from your to do list or reaching your set goal of engagements on a social post or even taking the steps to attend an event that will further your knowledge in your field of expertise. These wins just have to be good enough to show you that you are capable and keep you motivated.
Everyone's journey with self-employment is different and what works from some may not always be true for you but as long as you take breaks and refresh yourself and keep working hard until you reach your dreams everything will fall into place!
If you work from home or are self-employed, what has been something that has help you become successful?
x, Kenzie