Without a doubt, one of the most asked questions I get or comments on something is usually about my hair! My favorite is when people walk up to me and ask if it's all real and try touching it. I usually welcome them to touching it and seeing that it is 100% all naturallllll. And although it can look BOMB sometimes it doesn't come without it's own problems.
Like, I can never run my hands through my hair because it is just always ratty no matter how many times you brush it. And you can't brush it because then you look like you've been electrocuted. Lastly, it's just not soft. The texture is crazy coarse but I'm used it. I actually am pretty obsessed with my hair too, if I am being honest (;
I wanted to give you guys the steps I used to get my hair to look like below in case you wanted to try and recreate this look for yourself. It will work weather your hair is natural curly like mine, or not!
You will need:
1. Spray Gel // I use Garnier Fructis Style Curl Shape Defining and I have talked about this gel before in my everyday hair routine post, but you can use any gel or mousse that you like best. I just am obsessed with this product.
2. Large Hair Clip // This can be any hair clip or just something to use to scrunch your hair up for awhile. I linked the ones I use.
3. Leave in Conditioner// My current fave is the Eprouvage Replenishing Leave-In Conditioner which you can find at Ulta!
4. Curling Wand // I used the Infiniti Pro by Conair from Walmart but this can be any curling wand that you have! I just like the price for under $20 (;
Steps to take:
1. I shower the night before and then apply the leave in conditioner and the spray gel to my wet hair.
2. I scrunch as I usually would and then clip my hair up so that way it is out of my face and so the wet hair doesn't pull on my curls and pull them out. I don't know if it's true but I have found that if I clip it up while it dries my natural curl looks better because it is tighter all the way up to the root.
3. Wake up make some coffee and curl your hair in 1 inch sections. (Coffee is semi optional 😏) Make sure you are pulling down as you curl and mixing the direction that you curl. For example, the curl closest to your face your curl away and then the next strand you take curl the opposite way, or towards your face. This will make the curls look more natural and separated instead of lumping together into larger curls.
4. Continue this process all the way to the top sections. When I get to the top I will take half inch sections in different parts to make the curls look smaller and crazier on top. That is just a personal preference.
5. You should have super curly ringlets that you can either comb through a little, add more leave in conditioner for more softness or texture spray depending on the type of hair you have. And then shake it out and let your mane roar!!!
If you guys do decide to try out this hair style make sure to tag me on insta or snapchat and let me know so I can see! I would love to see your pictures! 😊